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Small Business How-Tos

How to ask someone to mentor you


How to Ask Someone to Mentor You

Finding the right mentor can be transformative in your career, but knowing how to approach someone for guidance can be intimidating. A mentor provides valuable insights, helps navigate challenges, and […]

Name Your Business


How to Choose a Name for Your Business

Choosing a name for your new business is a critical step in building a strong brand. Your business name reflects your identity, communicates your value, and often shapes how potential […]

Now Hiring


How to Hire Your First Employee

At some point, many microbusiness owners might need to hire help – either because business is so brisk or you need help to take your business to the next level. But […]

Conference room


How to Advocate for Women at Work

Women have come a long way, but we all know that they haven’t come far enough. Women still make less than a man for the same work; 82 cents on […]