Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame Nominations

Amazing historical woman who made a difference in Michigan. Trailblazing women who paved the way for others. Michigan women who deserved to be recognized for their legacy of breaking barriers, making a difference, giving back. Nominate them for the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame!
Deadline for 2025 Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame nominations is May 8, 2025. An awards reception honoring this year’s inductees will be held in October 2025.
Nomination Instructions
- Nominations may be made by individuals or by representatives of organizations or groups. A candidate may also nominate herself.
- All nominations must be submitted through the electronic nomination form below. A paper copy may be submitted upon reasonable request. TIP: Write your answers in a digital document and then copy & paste your answers into the electronic form, so you don’t lose your work if your internet fails in the midst of filling out the form.
- Nominations may be made in either of two categories: historical (deceased candidates) or contemporary (living candidates).
Nomination Criteria
- Candidates for admission to the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame must either have been born in Michigan, achieved prominence within the state, or have been a resident of the state for an extended period after achieving prominence elsewhere.
- Nominations will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Distinctive accomplishments or contributions that have been of an enduring nature and further the social, cultural, economic, health, education, and/or political wellbeing of the community, state, or nation.
- Service or activity which has significantly advanced the status of women in society.
- Induction into the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame is considered a “Lifetime Achievement Award.” As the name implies, the award is intended to reflect the culmination of a lifetime of dedicated service or accomplishment and not merely recognition of the candidate’s current level of achievement.
- Nominations may be made for specifically-named individuals or for a group or class of women who are jointly associated with a significant event or movement.