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WomanUp & Celebrate Honorees

Ronia Kruse | Woman of Achievement & Courage Honoree

Ronia Kruse

Founder and CEO of OpTech, LLC and OpTech Solutions

Ronia Kruse is the founder and CEO of OpTech, LLC and OpTech Solutions, a talent management and solutions firm providing services to Fortune 1000 and government clients. She is a dynamic executive who leverages her background as a successful entrepreneur in workforce solutions; as a Certified Public Accountant and financial expert with a big 4 professional service firm; and as a strategic change agent and human capital disrupter to help board of directors and companies achieve maximum financial results. 

Ronia is dedicated to diversity and inclusion and the pursuit of connecting people of all backgrounds with work that enriches their lives. Frequently a mentor to young female professionals and minority talent, she strives to help employees find purpose and empowerment through meaningful work using her transformative strategic initiatives.

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