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Xuesi Li Gurney | Women to Watch Honoree


Director in Category Management and Supply Chain Strategy Consulting for GEP Worldwide

Women to Watch Honoree

Xuesi Li Gurney is a community volunteer and an impactful leader in supply chain management.  In her role at GEP, she has consistently demonstrated a keen ability to enable global clients’ growth through procurement and strategic cost reduction transformation initiatives. Xuesi also leads GEP’s pro bono services assisting nonprofit organizations in achieving their business objectives. 

Xuesi is a strong advocate for youth education, the performing arts, and providing family services within the community.  She serves on the boards of the Ronald McDonald House Charities West Michigan, Treetops Collective, and the Grand Rapids Symphony.  Xuesi has also been a volunteer and steward for numerous other nonprofit organizations to support their outreach within the community and the positive impact they bring to the audience they serve. 

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