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Mastering Authentic Networking: From Cringe to Confident

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Are your networking skills rusty — or non-existent? Do you feel like you don’t have enough valuable professional connections? Join us to create the ultimate game plan for making meaningful relationships to grow your network AND your career.

This Power Hour Webinar from Michigan Women Forward, featuring leadership expert Michelle Gilbert of Purple Engine Coaching & Consulting, will help you:

Say goodbye to awkward encounters and hello to genuine connections. Power up your career at this free Power Hour webinar.

Michelle Gilbert is Chief Engine Officer of Purple Engine Coaching & Consulting, a company she founded following an illustrious 34-year career in public relations and corporate communications.

Now as a certified executive coach, Michelle is dedicated to empowering leaders to become the kind of inspiring individuals everyone wants to work with. She firmly believes that at the core of every strong leader lies the ability to communicate with transparency and influence. She champions the idea that strong communication skills form the foundation of a professional brand and that anyone can develop the confidence and capability to be a persuasive communicator.

On a mission to help leaders elevate their confidence, Michelle equips her clients with the tools to master impactful communications and build meaningful connections that drive success for themselves and the company.

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