BrandHrt Evolution: Connecting Companies to Their Consumers

For Ylondia Portis, starting her business, BrandHrt Evolution in Ypsilanti, was the culmination of decades of experience in market research. Throughout her career, she’s helped companies in the building and auto industries better understand their consumers. As a result, these companies have had better tools to reach these potential customers and communicate an effective message to them.
She knew first-hand that doing research to shape a strategy was a crucial step businesses should take before embarking on a marketing campaign. “Too often, businesses just dive in and start marketing without really making sure the message is right or the audience,” Portis says. “It’s a waste of time and money.”
That’s why she founded BrandHrt Evolution in 2017 – to help companies get crucial insights to help shape a marketing strategy with a higher chance of success. After now after working with financial institutions, renewable energy companies, universities and more, she’s looking to expand her business.
That’s where Michigan Women Forward stepped in.
Through Michigan Women Forward, Portis acquired a small business microloan to help fund her effort to branch out and promote her strategies to new business sectors and even those outside of Michigan.
“There is a lot of opportunity out there for what we offer,” Portis says. “We are looking forward to helping more clients get the data they need to make informed decisions and visualize the path to their own success.”