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Denise Quarles

Denise Quarles served as a member of the Board of the Michigan Women Studies Association, which administered the Michigan Women’s Hall of Fame and Historical Center until the Association merger with the Michigan Women’s Foundation. At that time she became a Board member for the Foundation, the name of which later changed to Michigan Women Forward.

In July, 2012 at the Zonta International convention in Turin, Italy Denise Quarles was elected to a two year term as an International Director. In that capacity she was a member of the Boards of Zonta International and the Zonta International Foundation. Zonta is an international service organization with the mission to improve the lives of women worldwide by empowering them through service and advocacy. Prior to serving in the international position, she was elected as the Governor of District 15 for the 2010-2012 biennium which position involved promoting the objects of Zonta International within the district and providing guidance to the 40 clubs in Michigan and part of Ontario, Canada. She had previously been elected as Lt. Governor and as an Area Director. 

Prior civic involvement also included her membership on the Board of EVE (End Violent Encounters) which is an organization that provides shelter and other vital services for victims of domestic violence in the Lansing area. She previously served 4 terms as President of the Board of EVE. Additionally, Denise was a member of the Board of the Criminal Justice Women of Michigan and served as the president of the organization.

Denise is a retired criminal justice executive who worked for 31 years in the Michigan Department of Corrections which agency is responsible for incarceration and supervision of adults convicted of felony crimes. She held various executive level positions providing her with broad and extensive operational experience involving management of large, complex operations with large numbers of employees, budget preparation and oversight, policy and procedure development, establishment of rehabilitative programs and addressing complex issues. Some of the positions she held were Regional Prisons Administrator which entailed her supervision of the wardens of 17 prisons, Warden of several prisons and Deputy Director of Field Services involving administering the probation, parole and halfway house services throughout the State of Michigan.  

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