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Power of 100 Women (P100) is a leadership group of dynamic women who want to connect with fellow female leaders, expand opportunities for women and ignite positive change in their communities. The goal is to harness the talents and tenacity of 100 amazing women to learn from each other and work together towards a common goal—improving the lives and livelihood of women leaders and entrepreneurs across Michigan.

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

– Helen Keller

How Power of 100 Started

When Michigan Women Forward was founded in 1986, it was a mission that evolved into a movement. Over the years, some powerful Michigan women leaders took notice and wanted to help. They saw that the work we were doing to champion the achievements of female leaders and support the dreams of female entrepreneurs was having an impact—not just on the women we touched, but on the communities they called home. They asked how they could contribute in a meaningful, sustainable way. Sure, they could make a donation. But they wanted to be involved on a deeper level. The result—Power of 100 Women.

You Belong

Power of 100 Women includes members from a variety of professional fields with an array of professional experience all across Michigan. 

  • If you are a women looking to connect with female leaders like you and show your support for female equity and empowerment, you belong. 
  • If you are a female leader who is making your mark and wants to share your experience and expertise, you belong. 
  • If you are a woman just starting your career who is looking to connect and grow, you belong. 
  • If you are a woman who wants to see more opportunities for women to lead companies and run their own businesses, you belong. 

Power of 100 Women Membership

Ready to join?

Head to our P100 membership form and get started TODAY!